
Dr. Teri has become an invaluable resource to me both personally and professionally. She is masterful at coaching me through the many challenges I face as a technology entrepreneur. Her warmth, intuition, intelligence and sense of humor make each session a joy, and her uplifting guidance has made a truly profound impact in my life. If you are looking to achieve breakthroughs or take your game to a new level, I highly recommend Dr. Teri and White Lily Coaching.
-Chris Stephenson, CEO, Topos Labs
Most people can go through an MBA and learn how to speak clearly, manage up, and wield authority. Many MBAs even learn how to manage companies. Dr Teri brings out your ability to lead PEOPLE.
I’ve grown with her for three years now. She teaches you never to confuse leadership with management. She challenges you to refine your executive judgement. She believes in your strength and helps you develop your courage to jump in to protect your team. She reminds you to earn your privileges as a leader. Dr Teri helps you become the leader you always wished you had.
-Lu Wang, Founder & CEO, Komodo Technologies

Teri Baydar is a one of a kind treasure. She has the unique ability to help a person peer deep inside themselves and see their universal truth. This unequivocal reality is still present, but is so warped by the outside world and various forms of media that one can find themselves lost, especially people who strive for success and greatness. Teri’s methods return that truth to the forefront in the most subtle but powerful ways helping you reclaim your true potential. Highly Recommend!
-Nick Hughes, Founder & CEO, Founders Live
You are successful, but quietly unfulfilled. You sometimes feel stuck. You’ve reached so many of your goals, but are on a perpetual quest for continued growth. How do you level up? You work with Dr. T. I refer to her as a CEO Whisperer, leadership coach, growth sherpa and my own personal Yoda! Her understanding of both the science and the psychology that drives who we are is second to none. Her commitment to not only help her clients, but all humans, to expand their awareness is inspiring. I not only recommend her, but I subscribe!
-Karyn Martin, CSO & Founder, Golden Thread Agency

I have been working with Dr Teri for almost 2 years, and I have really appreciated on a daily basis the impact of her coaching on my role and leadership in my company. A big Merci Dr Teri!
-Rodolphe Clerval, CEO, Coave Tx
From the moment I first met Dr. Teri, I felt the extraordinary combination of being both seen and accepted at the same time. I was a student in her seminar for women in business and I left the event feeling light and free and happy knowing that I had just encountered a kindred spirit. Dr. Teri has the ability to see the best in each and every one of us. She brings a wonderful sense of humor, an endless supply of warmth, and a no-nonsense attitude to her practice as a life coach. Through her wisdom, I’ve experienced so many breakthroughs in less than a year. By balancing a sense of wonder and joy at the mysteries of the universe with a comprehensive understanding of human behavior and feelings, she has helped me improve my mindset in so many ways. I would recommend her coaching to anyone.
-Madeline Stephenson, Script Supervisor

Dr. Teri has empowered me with professional advice and helped me to find my reasons to continue with a mission in my professional and personal life.
-Jose Luis Reyes, CEO, Estrenón
Dr. Teri Baydar is an incredible life coach and transformational professional advisor. I have been working with her for over five years now. In this time, I have leveled up multiple times in every aspect of my life. Her gentle coaching is powerful and profound in the way that she always leads me back to myself for the answers. Working with her has successfully seen me through career transitions, a marriage, becoming a mother while also becoming an entrepreneur and more. She is a true visionary and is an invaluable resource for growth and development. Her techniques are simple and incredibly impactful. I could not recommend her more highly!
-Shauna S, Career Empowerment Coach

I have been practicing Constructive Thought in personal sessions with my mentor and guide, Teri Baydar for over a year. Teri’s existential perspective, practical wisdom, intuitive powers and accepting kindness have helped me alter the patterns of my daily life. In turn, her profound insights have helped me navigate many difficult periods and created space for a paradigm shift in how I live my life in general. Teri is my touchstone who helps me keep my thoughts and feelings in alignment with the purpose of my being.
-Deirdre White, VP, Carol White Associates
A friend referred me to Teri after my divorce. I had never worked with a life coach before, but a year later I finally reached out and set up an appointment. Over the past 8 months she has helped me shift how I see myself and explore what I want. Teri is observant and insightful. She has gently nudged or (as needed) pushed me out of my comfort zone. I am grateful for her guidance and support of my personal and professional development. I have enjoyed our work together and recommend her to anyone who is ready to dig in a little.
-Marty A, Project Manager, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
I reached out to Dr. Teri about 18 months ago, she was a referral of a dear friend and I’m happy that I did. Dr. Teri has enabled me to elevate my thinking, mindset, and emotional resilience. I am reminded of her coaching often as I experience new challenges and situations that I do not control. She graciously accepted an opportunity to share her wisdom with several colleagues of mine and enabled them to take an introspective look at their leadership style and behavior; she imparted nuggets of wisdom for all. I am changed for the better thanks to Dr. Teri and I am grateful for her continued coaching and advice.
-Christine Belchick Kay, Executive HR Partner, General Electric
I highly recommend Dr. Teri to any professional ready to do the deep work to truly change the way he or she shows up in life. Her coaching truly sets one in motion for deep growth and awareness. Through Dr. Teri’s guidance , I experienced a true shift within my being which impacted many areas of my life. I am very thankful for her unique way of “asking the right questions” leading to positive growth and change from the inside out.
-Cheryl Verchinski, Founder, CW Body+Soul
Being at MassChallenge was like getting a Masters in Business and working with Dr. Teri was like getting a Masters in Life.
-Alejandro Mendez, Co-Founder & CTO, Newbrick
Dr. Teri was introduced to me through a mutual friend and I have worked with her now for over a year. She has been a constant advocate by my side through a series of tough and turbulent times. In each session, there is always a synchronicity and she will intuitively pick up on exactly where you are at and what you need at that time. She knows what to say, when to say it and has an endless toolbox of ways to help shift your thinking and get you unstuck. She sees through your excuses and isn’t afraid to give tough love when necessary to make sure you face what you need to face instead of running away from it. After each session, you will feel lighter and more equipped to keep moving forward with whatever you are facing. If you are looking for someone to walk with you on your hero’s journey to help you expand and flourish into the leader that you were born to become then please reach out to Dr. Teri. You won’t regret it.
-Matt Goult, CTO, Samye Institute